Anti-bullying Policy September 2014 Letter to Parents
Dear Parent,
In previous newsletters I have referred to the fact that all schools were obliged to update their Anti-Bullying Policy. Our staff and management team have spent a lot of time over the past year reviewing and researching policies. We are now ready to implement our revised policy.
We have based our policy on the Anti-Bullying Campaign strategies which have worked very well in schools already. We have adapted the documentation for our school and the revised policy and document pack will be available for you to study on the website by the end of the week. I will present the revised policy to parents at The Parents’ Association A.G.M. which will be held in the next few weeks. I have already discussed the policy with the P.A. committee.
The main thrust of the programme in the Junior end will be a positive approach to friendship and respect. In the Senior end, we will focus on pupils learning to recognize, reject and report bullying. Each class will begin with a class survey, so it quite likely that you will hear talk about bullying over the next few weeks! Awareness lessons will be followed in classes between now and midterm, again after Christmas and as and when the need arises.
This is just a short synopsis to keep you aware of what is going on . It is important that you familiarize yourself with the programme either through reading the materials online or attending the P.A. A.G.M.
As with any new policy, there will be areas for improvement and areas to be added so I would be delighted with any feedback you might have. We will be discussing and reviewing the policy at each staff meeting this year. Our main aim is to make your child’s school environment a safe and happy one.