Information Leaflet January 2016
2016 Initiatives - Did You Know This Was Happening?
Dear Parents,
Belated Happy New Year and welcome back to the school routine! A big thank you to the parents who have volunteered to join the Parents Association this year, without their assistance we could not continue and their support is really appreciated.
We are delighted to announce that we have lots planned for 2016 and thought you might like a heads-up on some of the activities taking place over the next few months. We would also love your feedback on these and any other initiatives you think we should consider. This year we are focussing more on initiatives that will support school families in a practical way and less on fundraising, so your €5 Family Contribution to the Parents’ Association is very much needed this year.
Health Initiatives
Healthy Lunches are a big part of school life, but the best of intentions can slip from time to time, particularly after the excesses of Christmas! We thought January would be an opportune time to reinforce the Food Dudes healthy eating initiative with some healthy eating tips, lunchbox ideas and sugar awareness information for Parents, after all, we are the ones who buy what goes into the lunch boxes! You would be amazed what some so-called ‘healthy’ products actually contain.
Event details will follow but if you have healthy recipes you are willing to share, please leave them into the school office or email them to [email protected]
November was renamed ‘No Nit November’ in order to raise awareness of the importance of checking your children’s hair on a regular basis, ideally weekly. Tip: Pick the same time each week and check all heads, it only takes one unchecked head to continue the cycle!
A Breakfast Club runs 4 mornings a week for a small number of students to give them a great kick-start to their day. Many thanks to the teachers and P.A. member Caroline Cahill for running this club.
Education – Encouraging Reading
Award Winning Children’s Author Book Reading
Award Winning Children’s author, Benji Bennett, will spend a full day at the school on February 25th, to read to our junior classes, and share the fun of reading. We are delighted to have such an acclaimed author give so generously of his time and bring his amazing ‘Adams Cloud’ books to life in our school. Parents will have the option to order books in advance and have them signed by the author and dedicated to your child. 10% of all sales go to the amazing children’s charities ‘Barretstown Camp’, ‘Share a Dream Foundation’, ‘Anam Cara’ and ‘Laura Lynn Children’s Hospice’. €40,000 has already been donated. Watch out for further details in your child’s schoolbag next week! Take a look at for his inspirational story.
Cost Saving Initiatives
Confirmation Day Wear
Following feedback from parents, it is apparent that over the years parents have been purchasing new uniforms for their 6th class children making confirmation, as many jumpers elbows and trouser knees were threadbare by the end of the year. This may not be an issue for parents with younger children who will wear them in the future, but this is a considerable unnecessary expense for the many parents who don’t. As a result, the Parents Association has proposed that this years Confirmation Class wear Albs (similar to a graduation gown/robe worn over their own clothes) for their Confirmation Day in April. As with many other schools in Kilkenny, the Albs would be rented for the day at a small charge. This proposal has been forwarded to the Confirmation Committee for discussion.
School Gift Policy
Following requests from parents, the P.A. suggested to parents that when hosting a birthday party they ask that any gifts given would be limited to €5. This suggestion is now the norm in junior classes and perhaps the senior half of the school might like to consider following suit in order to help other parents with the escalating costs of birthday parties.
Other Cost Saving Measures?
Do you have any ideas on how to save money for parents.... related to school, home, lunch boxes, books, uniforms? If so, let us know and we will raise them for discussion.
Family Support
6th Class Induction Night for Students & Parents
In preparation for moving on to secondary school later this year, we plan to host an Introduction To Secondary School evening, for students and parents. With the help of some past pupils, parents and secondary school teachers, we intend to shatter some myths, share any anxieties and gather some useful information to make the transition to secondary school as smooth as possible for both students and parents!
Junior Infants Induction Day
Before we know it, we will be welcoming the incoming group of Junior Infants and their parents to the school. This can be an anxious time for new parents to the school and the Parents Association will provide refreshments for parents and be available to assist them with any queries they might have. We will also run a 2nd hand uniform sale for new students, to ease the cost associated with starting school.
Graduation Books
Every year one of the many highlights for 6th class students is preparing their profile and cover design for the Graduation Books, which are presented to each student at their End of Year Mass. The Parents Association produces these books every year and a huge thank you goes to former P.A. member Kieran Pryall for managing this project for the last number of years.
Celebrating Cultural Diversity
We are really lucky to have such diversity in our school and it is a great opportunity for our children to gain a greater appreciation of other languages, cultures and customs other than their own. With this in mind, we would love to host a Cultural Evening where we can celebrate the things that can make each culture different, from language to dress to food...the list goes on. Further details will follow, but if you would like to take part or organise for a group of your friends to represent your culture, please contact Maria Comerford or P.A. member Matt Peters (086)-2390942, or use the suggestion box in reception.
Communication Updates
As a group, we intend to give you regular updates on what we are working on and activities that we have planned. If you can help out on occasion, or have views on any issues, we’d love to hear them!
We are also considering setting up a Facebook page for school parents, where we can share ideas, promote fundraisers and events and hopefully promote and support parents with family businesses who give the school huge financial support each year. If you would like to get involved in this initiative please get in touch.
Contact Details & Suggestion Box
A list of the members of the Parent’s Association, along with the contact details for each class representative is available on the notice board outside Mr. Delaney’s classroom.
A Suggestion Box is also located in the school reception. We would encourage you to use either method to contact us and pass on your comments, queries and suggestions.
The Officials for this year are as follows:
Angela Browne, Chairperson
Rebecca Walsh, Secretary
Patrick Ryan, Treasurer
The School Fete is our biggest fundraiser and takes place every second year. Every other year the Music Committee run Maytime Melodies, which is an amazing showcase of school talent. Please support their requests for assistance in May, as it is a mammoth task and every little bit helps.
This year we are focussing more on initiatives that will support school families in a practical way and less on fundraising, so your €5 Family Contribution to the Parents’ Association is very much needed and appreciated this year. Please include your contribution with the form below and give it to your class teacher or drop it into the Parents’ Association Box in Reception.
Looking forward to your views and input over the coming weeks and months.
St. Canice’s Parent’s Association.
St. Canice’s Parents Association
Please Tick Box, as appropriate:
¨ €5 Annual Family Contribution to fund planned Parents’ Association Activities
¨ Voluntary Contribution to fund planned Parents’ Association Activities
Parents Name: _________________________________
Children’s Class(s): _________________________________
Dear Parents,
Belated Happy New Year and welcome back to the school routine! A big thank you to the parents who have volunteered to join the Parents Association this year, without their assistance we could not continue and their support is really appreciated.
We are delighted to announce that we have lots planned for 2016 and thought you might like a heads-up on some of the activities taking place over the next few months. We would also love your feedback on these and any other initiatives you think we should consider. This year we are focussing more on initiatives that will support school families in a practical way and less on fundraising, so your €5 Family Contribution to the Parents’ Association is very much needed this year.
Health Initiatives
Healthy Lunches are a big part of school life, but the best of intentions can slip from time to time, particularly after the excesses of Christmas! We thought January would be an opportune time to reinforce the Food Dudes healthy eating initiative with some healthy eating tips, lunchbox ideas and sugar awareness information for Parents, after all, we are the ones who buy what goes into the lunch boxes! You would be amazed what some so-called ‘healthy’ products actually contain.
Event details will follow but if you have healthy recipes you are willing to share, please leave them into the school office or email them to [email protected]
November was renamed ‘No Nit November’ in order to raise awareness of the importance of checking your children’s hair on a regular basis, ideally weekly. Tip: Pick the same time each week and check all heads, it only takes one unchecked head to continue the cycle!
A Breakfast Club runs 4 mornings a week for a small number of students to give them a great kick-start to their day. Many thanks to the teachers and P.A. member Caroline Cahill for running this club.
Education – Encouraging Reading
Award Winning Children’s Author Book Reading
Award Winning Children’s author, Benji Bennett, will spend a full day at the school on February 25th, to read to our junior classes, and share the fun of reading. We are delighted to have such an acclaimed author give so generously of his time and bring his amazing ‘Adams Cloud’ books to life in our school. Parents will have the option to order books in advance and have them signed by the author and dedicated to your child. 10% of all sales go to the amazing children’s charities ‘Barretstown Camp’, ‘Share a Dream Foundation’, ‘Anam Cara’ and ‘Laura Lynn Children’s Hospice’. €40,000 has already been donated. Watch out for further details in your child’s schoolbag next week! Take a look at for his inspirational story.
Cost Saving Initiatives
Confirmation Day Wear
Following feedback from parents, it is apparent that over the years parents have been purchasing new uniforms for their 6th class children making confirmation, as many jumpers elbows and trouser knees were threadbare by the end of the year. This may not be an issue for parents with younger children who will wear them in the future, but this is a considerable unnecessary expense for the many parents who don’t. As a result, the Parents Association has proposed that this years Confirmation Class wear Albs (similar to a graduation gown/robe worn over their own clothes) for their Confirmation Day in April. As with many other schools in Kilkenny, the Albs would be rented for the day at a small charge. This proposal has been forwarded to the Confirmation Committee for discussion.
School Gift Policy
Following requests from parents, the P.A. suggested to parents that when hosting a birthday party they ask that any gifts given would be limited to €5. This suggestion is now the norm in junior classes and perhaps the senior half of the school might like to consider following suit in order to help other parents with the escalating costs of birthday parties.
Other Cost Saving Measures?
Do you have any ideas on how to save money for parents.... related to school, home, lunch boxes, books, uniforms? If so, let us know and we will raise them for discussion.
Family Support
6th Class Induction Night for Students & Parents
In preparation for moving on to secondary school later this year, we plan to host an Introduction To Secondary School evening, for students and parents. With the help of some past pupils, parents and secondary school teachers, we intend to shatter some myths, share any anxieties and gather some useful information to make the transition to secondary school as smooth as possible for both students and parents!
Junior Infants Induction Day
Before we know it, we will be welcoming the incoming group of Junior Infants and their parents to the school. This can be an anxious time for new parents to the school and the Parents Association will provide refreshments for parents and be available to assist them with any queries they might have. We will also run a 2nd hand uniform sale for new students, to ease the cost associated with starting school.
Graduation Books
Every year one of the many highlights for 6th class students is preparing their profile and cover design for the Graduation Books, which are presented to each student at their End of Year Mass. The Parents Association produces these books every year and a huge thank you goes to former P.A. member Kieran Pryall for managing this project for the last number of years.
Celebrating Cultural Diversity
We are really lucky to have such diversity in our school and it is a great opportunity for our children to gain a greater appreciation of other languages, cultures and customs other than their own. With this in mind, we would love to host a Cultural Evening where we can celebrate the things that can make each culture different, from language to dress to food...the list goes on. Further details will follow, but if you would like to take part or organise for a group of your friends to represent your culture, please contact Maria Comerford or P.A. member Matt Peters (086)-2390942, or use the suggestion box in reception.
Communication Updates
As a group, we intend to give you regular updates on what we are working on and activities that we have planned. If you can help out on occasion, or have views on any issues, we’d love to hear them!
We are also considering setting up a Facebook page for school parents, where we can share ideas, promote fundraisers and events and hopefully promote and support parents with family businesses who give the school huge financial support each year. If you would like to get involved in this initiative please get in touch.
Contact Details & Suggestion Box
A list of the members of the Parent’s Association, along with the contact details for each class representative is available on the notice board outside Mr. Delaney’s classroom.
A Suggestion Box is also located in the school reception. We would encourage you to use either method to contact us and pass on your comments, queries and suggestions.
The Officials for this year are as follows:
Angela Browne, Chairperson
Rebecca Walsh, Secretary
Patrick Ryan, Treasurer
The School Fete is our biggest fundraiser and takes place every second year. Every other year the Music Committee run Maytime Melodies, which is an amazing showcase of school talent. Please support their requests for assistance in May, as it is a mammoth task and every little bit helps.
This year we are focussing more on initiatives that will support school families in a practical way and less on fundraising, so your €5 Family Contribution to the Parents’ Association is very much needed and appreciated this year. Please include your contribution with the form below and give it to your class teacher or drop it into the Parents’ Association Box in Reception.
Looking forward to your views and input over the coming weeks and months.
St. Canice’s Parent’s Association.
St. Canice’s Parents Association
Please Tick Box, as appropriate:
¨ €5 Annual Family Contribution to fund planned Parents’ Association Activities
¨ Voluntary Contribution to fund planned Parents’ Association Activities
Parents Name: _________________________________
Children’s Class(s): _________________________________