January 2014
Information Sheet: Jan 14
Dates to Remember:
Jan 26th to Feb 2nd:Catholic Schools’ Week.
Feb 20th & 21st: School Closed: Midterm Break
Feb.4th: Closing date for Applications for Junior Infant places for Sept. 2014
Junior Infant Applications
The closing date for applications for Junior Infant places for September 2014 is Tuesday February 4th 2014. Applications will be accepted for children who are four years of age by 30 June 2014. Places are allocated, according to our enrolment policy, in the following order: Category 1: Parish Applicants. Category 2: Siblings of children who have already attended the school. 3: Children of past pupils living locally. Category 4: All other applications. Places in all categories are allocated in order of receipt of applications. The full enrolment policy is available on the school website: www.stcanices.net .
Each applicant will receive a written reply within three weeks of the closing date. If an applicant has not been allocated a place, he/she will be given a number on the waiting list in accordance with the above categories. If further places arise, they will be allocated according to this list.
Please note that applications, even from Categories 1 and 2, i.e. Parish and Family, received after the closing date cannot be guaranteed a place.
Applications forms available from the school secretary.
If you know of any child for Junior Infants for Sept. 2014 please ensure that application forms are sent in as soon as possible.
Catholic Schools’ Week
The theme for Catholic Schools’ Week this year is “Catholic Schools: Places of Faith and Learning.” Various activities will take place during the week. Grandparents’/Special Person Day will not take place until April.
It is the custom in the school that 5th class children support their 6th class schoolmates by forming the choir for confirmation. As well as helping out on the day, this also gives the 5th class children an insight into the sacrament of confirmation and makes them familiar with the whole order of the ceremony. All 5th class pupils will be expected to sing at the Confirmation on Saturday March 22nd.
Thank you to the large number of 6th class parents who are leading the “You Shall be My Witnesses” programme. Pre-Confirmation Retreats will be on March 4th and 5th
Board of Management Reminder.
A significant number of children have started arriving on the school premises far too early in the mornings. Supervision begins at 8.40am and prior to that the school playground is not a secure, safe area for your child.
Please drop off and collect your children punctually. It is also not fair to leave children waiting to be collected as they become anxious. The school yard is quite a daunting place outside school hours and is not an ideal environment for an unattended child.. If you are delayed please phone ahead and we can reassure your child that everything is ok.
Happy New Year to one and all.
Dates to Remember:
Jan 26th to Feb 2nd:Catholic Schools’ Week.
Feb 20th & 21st: School Closed: Midterm Break
Feb.4th: Closing date for Applications for Junior Infant places for Sept. 2014
Junior Infant Applications
The closing date for applications for Junior Infant places for September 2014 is Tuesday February 4th 2014. Applications will be accepted for children who are four years of age by 30 June 2014. Places are allocated, according to our enrolment policy, in the following order: Category 1: Parish Applicants. Category 2: Siblings of children who have already attended the school. 3: Children of past pupils living locally. Category 4: All other applications. Places in all categories are allocated in order of receipt of applications. The full enrolment policy is available on the school website: www.stcanices.net .
Each applicant will receive a written reply within three weeks of the closing date. If an applicant has not been allocated a place, he/she will be given a number on the waiting list in accordance with the above categories. If further places arise, they will be allocated according to this list.
Please note that applications, even from Categories 1 and 2, i.e. Parish and Family, received after the closing date cannot be guaranteed a place.
Applications forms available from the school secretary.
If you know of any child for Junior Infants for Sept. 2014 please ensure that application forms are sent in as soon as possible.
Catholic Schools’ Week
The theme for Catholic Schools’ Week this year is “Catholic Schools: Places of Faith and Learning.” Various activities will take place during the week. Grandparents’/Special Person Day will not take place until April.
It is the custom in the school that 5th class children support their 6th class schoolmates by forming the choir for confirmation. As well as helping out on the day, this also gives the 5th class children an insight into the sacrament of confirmation and makes them familiar with the whole order of the ceremony. All 5th class pupils will be expected to sing at the Confirmation on Saturday March 22nd.
Thank you to the large number of 6th class parents who are leading the “You Shall be My Witnesses” programme. Pre-Confirmation Retreats will be on March 4th and 5th
Board of Management Reminder.
A significant number of children have started arriving on the school premises far too early in the mornings. Supervision begins at 8.40am and prior to that the school playground is not a secure, safe area for your child.
Please drop off and collect your children punctually. It is also not fair to leave children waiting to be collected as they become anxious. The school yard is quite a daunting place outside school hours and is not an ideal environment for an unattended child.. If you are delayed please phone ahead and we can reassure your child that everything is ok.
Happy New Year to one and all.