Information Sheet: March/Easter 18
Dates to Remember:
School Closed Monday 19th for St. Patrick’s Day
Feis Ceoil Tuesday March 20th.
Easter Holidays;
School Closes 12 noon for pupils Friday 23rd March. Reopens Monday April 9th.
Easter Raffle
The Easter raffle will take place on Wednesday March 21st. Please have all ticket books and money returned by 10am that morning.
Charity Collection
Our charity collection for Zambia raised €345. Thank you for your generosity.
Two teams have been entered in both the boys’ and girls’ hurling leagues. School leagues continue at lunch time each day.
Seachtain na Gaeilge.
Bhí Seachtain na Gaeilge ar siúl sa scoil an tseachtain seo. Bhí Comórtas Filíochta, Céilí, Tráth na gCeist and gníomhaíochtaí éagsúla ar siúl agus bhaineamar go léir taitneamh astu.
St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Mr Hoyne’s class and Ms Mc Mahon’s class made models of famous Kilkenny buildings to be used in one of the floats for the parade tomorrow.
We welcomed teachers from Spain and Poland to our school this week to participate in our Erasmus Project. The children have been writing about Irish legends and shared this part of our culture with our overseas visitors. Our visitors brought us legends from their own countries and shared them with us. After Easter we intend to make visual dramatic presentations of our legends to share via Skype with children in our partner schools in Spain and Portugal.
School Closed Monday 19th for St. Patrick’s Day
Feis Ceoil Tuesday March 20th.
Easter Holidays;
School Closes 12 noon for pupils Friday 23rd March. Reopens Monday April 9th.
Easter Raffle
The Easter raffle will take place on Wednesday March 21st. Please have all ticket books and money returned by 10am that morning.
Charity Collection
Our charity collection for Zambia raised €345. Thank you for your generosity.
Two teams have been entered in both the boys’ and girls’ hurling leagues. School leagues continue at lunch time each day.
Seachtain na Gaeilge.
Bhí Seachtain na Gaeilge ar siúl sa scoil an tseachtain seo. Bhí Comórtas Filíochta, Céilí, Tráth na gCeist and gníomhaíochtaí éagsúla ar siúl agus bhaineamar go léir taitneamh astu.
St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Mr Hoyne’s class and Ms Mc Mahon’s class made models of famous Kilkenny buildings to be used in one of the floats for the parade tomorrow.
We welcomed teachers from Spain and Poland to our school this week to participate in our Erasmus Project. The children have been writing about Irish legends and shared this part of our culture with our overseas visitors. Our visitors brought us legends from their own countries and shared them with us. After Easter we intend to make visual dramatic presentations of our legends to share via Skype with children in our partner schools in Spain and Portugal.