End of Year Information Sheet 2014
Dates to Remember: End of Term: Friday June 27th: School Closes 12 noon for pupils
School Year 2014/2015 starts Monday September 1st 2014 School Closes 12 noon for pupils.
School Reports
Any uncollected reports will be left with me. You may collect them from the office next week or the last week in August.
Book Rental Scheme/Book Support Service
Pupils availing of this scheme were given a separate note yesterday. Books may be collected next Thursday or Friday July 3rd and 4th or Thurs and Fri August 28th & 29th 11am to 1pm.
Uniform Sale
We have a limited number of uniforms for sale this year. They will be sold at the same time as the books above are being sold. Uniforms may be dropped off at reception next week.
Similarly, if you find any jerseys books etc belonging to the school they can be dropped off at reception also.
Lost property
We have given back as many items as we can. All other items will be sent to a charity shop at the end of next week.
Congratulations to our A hurlers who won the Roinn A title v Gaelscoil and who also had a good win in a tough, competitive match against the Dublin Roinn A Champions Lucan.
Thank you to all our teachers who put their energy and expertise into keeping as many pupils as possible involved in GAA games in the school.
Mission Money
The Mission Money Account is attached. Thank you for your generosity in helping out a wide range of charities this year and particular thanks to our Confirmation and First Communion classes who held special collections. Thank you also to Ms Walshe who organised the collections this year. Next year we will be starting a new system whereby there is a monthly collection and different classes then nominate the charity to benefit. I will update you on this in September.
Building Work
The pitched roofs on the Junior section will be replaced over the summer and a new prefab will be installed in August. There will be building work going on for most of July and August so the school premises and yard will basically be a building site. Pupils should not play in the yard at this time.
Gairdín na Scoile
Ms O’Brien is delighted to announce that our Gairdín recently won a €50 voucher from Keep Kilkenny Beautiful.
The work could not be done without the help of the parent volunteers- Malcolm Noonan and this year, in particular the parents from Ms O’Brien’s 3rd class. The Sensory Garden has been started and work is in progress. Thank you to everyone who helped out. New volunteers are always welcome.
Holiday Contact
I check post and emails regularly during the summer so if there is any important issue you need dealt with, use post or email. Remember that this email address is for info out from school only and is not used for incoming mail.
Thanks to our staff for all their hard work and enthusiasm during the year. Thanks to all of you for your co-operation and support. It has been a good year. Go raibh maith agaibh go léir.
Best wishes to Mrs O’Leary in her retirement and I hope you all have a safe and happy summer.